Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where for art thou Jackson?

So my due date has come and gone and it appears Jackson has decided to stay put for a while longer. If you’re thinking ‘I told you so’ I’d suggest you keep that to yourself as I’m in no mood for more of the ‘first babies are typically late’ or ‘he’ll come when he’s ready’ comments.

Labor has stalled and I’m not ‘favorable’ for induction which means the waiting game continues. We’ve got another appointment scheduled for Wed. next week and hopefully at that point we’ll be able to schedule an induction for the weekend of April 1st. Saying April 1st pains me to no end but at this point but can I do other than throw a pity party for myself?

I know it will all be worth it in the end but after four hours of contractions last Friday and contractions all night Monday into Tuesday, I really thought the end was near and we’d be holding our little man by now. Hurry up, Jackson! Mommy and Daddy are ready to meet you!

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