Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where for art thou Jackson?

So my due date has come and gone and it appears Jackson has decided to stay put for a while longer. If you’re thinking ‘I told you so’ I’d suggest you keep that to yourself as I’m in no mood for more of the ‘first babies are typically late’ or ‘he’ll come when he’s ready’ comments.

Labor has stalled and I’m not ‘favorable’ for induction which means the waiting game continues. We’ve got another appointment scheduled for Wed. next week and hopefully at that point we’ll be able to schedule an induction for the weekend of April 1st. Saying April 1st pains me to no end but at this point but can I do other than throw a pity party for myself?

I know it will all be worth it in the end but after four hours of contractions last Friday and contractions all night Monday into Tuesday, I really thought the end was near and we’d be holding our little man by now. Hurry up, Jackson! Mommy and Daddy are ready to meet you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The View from Up Here

I took the picture above last week before heading to the gym. At that point we were 38 weeks. Today, we're at 39 and Jackson is the size of a watermelon. Moving around has gotten much harder but I'm still managing to walk or go to the gym and do the elliptical at least three to four days a week. I keep hoping that one of these days it will make me go into labor but so far, not so good. I've also been eating pineapple and eggplant for two weeks but still nothing!

I know what you're going to say, 'he'll come when he's ready', but seriously, I am ready! What about me?! I know, I know, it's not going to be about me for a long time (at least the next 18 years) but still, I have to ask. Maybe I'll get one more all about me moment and he'll decide to make his entrance a bit early... a mom can dream right?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We have Dilation!

Now that we've hit 37 weeks we're going to the doctor on a weekly basis. Jackson cooperated for the nurse this time and she got his heartbeat with little fuss- 138 which is nice and strong. Dr. Barlow checked my cervix and I've started to dilate. I'm only 1cm so far but I'll take it! He's head down and moving in the right direction so hopefully with some long walks and daily doses of salsa and pineapple he'll make his appearance sooner rather than later.

I was very excited to hear that Tylenol PM is on the 'safe' list and Marcus stopped on the way home to pick me up a bottle. I took it last night and while I still woke up three times, I felt a bit more rested this morning so we'll try again tonight and see how it goes. Everyone keeps telling me to sleep while I can but unfortunately sleep has been hard to come by these days due to general discomfort and frequent trips to the bathroom.

I'm feeling good about things at work and I managed to get two weeks ahead of the syllabus in my grad school class so if he came in the next week or so I feel like I'm in a good place. I'm hoping to write my 5 page literature review this weekend to get it out of the way but if I can't get it done I know I'll be able to pull it off later.

And speaking of class, there's nothing like walking (or waddling) through NC State's campus 9 months pregnant to make you feel old and out of place! That said, I'm enjoying the class and am glad I'm pushing through although I'll definitely be glad when it's over.

I'm going to take a break over the summer so we can travel to Block Island and enjoy our time with the little man but I'll be back at it in the fall and hopefully will be able to take two classes in the spring... remind me of this post next spring when I'm registering for classes!