Hard to believe but we've hit the one month mark! We're at 36 weeks tomorrow and Jackson is getting bigger and bigger every day. At this point he's about 6 lbs and some change and the size of a crenshaw mellon (not quite sure what that is but the picture displayed in Google it makes it look quite large). He's settling into a nice pattern of activity during the day and sleeping at night although that doesn't mean I'm sleeping but that's another story.
My new nickname for Jackson is wiggle worm because he's constantly moving around. At this point it's a lot less kicking and a lot more fluid movement although he did give me quite a few jabs and kicks at the doctor last week when they tried to take his heart rate with the doplar wand. Apparently babies don't like the sound it emits and Jackson is no exception! No matter where the nurse put the wand he would kick. After a couple of minutes, he got frustrated and went into what can only be described as a wiggle rage. He was kicking, punching, and wiggling all over to the point where my stomach was jerking around and the nurse and I were laughing hysterically. By the time the nurse got his heartbeat he was so worked up it had reached 146 beats per minute!
While I love feeling Jackson move around, getting to the end of this journey I'm more than ready to have him here with us. I'm achy and nauseous
, not sleeping and my walking has definitely turned to waddling. I know it's all well worth it but it's hard to be patient after months and months of anticipation. We went to church yesterday and I kept repeating the following prayer: "Father, thank you for my beautiful life, my family, my friends, and the precious baby growing inside of me. Please keep him safe and healthy until he is ready to come into this world. And while I realize he will come when he is ready, if it your will, please make him ready in the next couple of weeks. If not, please give me the strength to pursevere, maintain a positive attitude, and enjoy these last few weeks as an expectant mother."