Sorry it's been a while since my last post but things have been more than just a little hectic. Work is insanely busy and the weekends haven't been very laid back either since they tend to be filled with studying, homework, housework and getting things ready for Jackson.
And while we get things ready around the house, Jackson is getting ready to make his debut in March! I'll have to update the bump photo soon because he has been growing like crazy over the past few weeks. The belly is definitely bigger and my belly button is all but nonexistent at this point. At 22 weeks he weighs almost a full pound and is a foot long. His kicks are getting stronger too and sometimes he kicks so hard he makes me stop what I'm doing. In those cases I assure him that I do in fact remember that he's in there, that I love him and that he needs to do that again when daddy has his hand on my belly. Marcus wants to feel him so bad and I think Jackson will oblige any day now.
Speaking of Marcus, he did an amazing job on the nursery. We moved the guest room into the 'workout room' (don't worry, there's still plenty of room for me to do The Firm) and Marcus and Blake painted the old guest room a new grey/blue color. The crib has been assembled, the glider is in and the closet has been purged of everything but Jackson's new clothes, toys and blankets. The bedding should be here any day and I can't wait to see what it looks like!
We're also signed up for our birthing classes at Rex and our baptism class at the church. Both will be in January which will be here before we know it but in the meantime we have plenty to keep us busy. Baby Small will arrive around Thanksgiving (we absolutely can't wait to meet Jackson's future bestie), Lauren and Blake's couple's shower is later this month, we head to NY and Connecticut for Christmas. Oh yeah, there's also work and I have one more paper to write and a final exam to take before finishing up my last online class.
I think that about covers things for now. We love this little guy more and more every day and can hardly believe he'll be here in less than four months!