Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our Little Lime

Hard to believe but we're through the first trimester! Baby Tuttle is now the size of a lime and my tummy is rapidly expanding! After weeks of nausea and fatigue, I'm starting to have more good days than bad days and my energy is slowly coming back. I never knew that the first few months would be so rough but when we saw Baby Tuttle on the screen at our 12 week appointment I knew it was all worth it. The doctors say everything looks good and s/he was very active. Every time the ultrasound technician pushed on my belly the legs went flying and it seemed like s/he knew we were watching (I think we've got quite the drama queen on our hands).

As for boy or girl, we're not sure. Marcus and I were both leaning towards girl at the beginning but now we're not so sure and there are days I don't think I can make it to November to find out. Either way, this baby is loved beyond belief and we can't wait to meet him or her.

On a personal note, it's amazing how much has changed. Last Saturday I actually went for a decent run which was very exciting although it's definitely harder than it used to be. I knew pregnancy would change a lot of things but I didn't realize I would get winded walking up a small flight of steps! I monitor my heart rate at the gym and it's amazing how 20 minutes on the elliptical can push me to the 'peak high' zone if I'm not careful.

Other random changes- I am now very chatty in the morning which is totally out of character. I LOVE cereal and can't wait to eat it as soon as I wake up. I HATE chicken and Peppermint Patties which is probably the most drastic change given both were major staples in my diet until recently, and I have a strange affinity for oldies music. As I discover more I'll add them to the list.