Friday, November 19, 2010
Tiny Tuttle's Not So Tiny...
Sorry it's been a while since my last post but things have been more than just a little hectic. Work is insanely busy and the weekends haven't been very laid back either since they tend to be filled with studying, homework, housework and getting things ready for Jackson.
And while we get things ready around the house, Jackson is getting ready to make his debut in March! I'll have to update the bump photo soon because he has been growing like crazy over the past few weeks. The belly is definitely bigger and my belly button is all but nonexistent at this point. At 22 weeks he weighs almost a full pound and is a foot long. His kicks are getting stronger too and sometimes he kicks so hard he makes me stop what I'm doing. In those cases I assure him that I do in fact remember that he's in there, that I love him and that he needs to do that again when daddy has his hand on my belly. Marcus wants to feel him so bad and I think Jackson will oblige any day now.
Speaking of Marcus, he did an amazing job on the nursery. We moved the guest room into the 'workout room' (don't worry, there's still plenty of room for me to do The Firm) and Marcus and Blake painted the old guest room a new grey/blue color. The crib has been assembled, the glider is in and the closet has been purged of everything but Jackson's new clothes, toys and blankets. The bedding should be here any day and I can't wait to see what it looks like!
We're also signed up for our birthing classes at Rex and our baptism class at the church. Both will be in January which will be here before we know it but in the meantime we have plenty to keep us busy. Baby Small will arrive around Thanksgiving (we absolutely can't wait to meet Jackson's future bestie), Lauren and Blake's couple's shower is later this month, we head to NY and Connecticut for Christmas. Oh yeah, there's also work and I have one more paper to write and a final exam to take before finishing up my last online class.
I think that about covers things for now. We love this little guy more and more every day and can hardly believe he'll be here in less than four months!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
And We Have a Bump!
You asked for it, you got it! Here's the bump at 17 weeks! The flutters have started and I must say that feeling Jackson move around is the coolest thing I've ever experienced. Last week when I was lifting weights, he was doing a work out of his own inside by belly which was pretty funny. At this point I'm the only one who can feel it but I'm really looking forward to when Marcus can feel him too.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Baby Boy Tuttle
The secret is out- Tiny Tuttle is a beautiful, healthy baby boy! At 16 weeks we weren't scheduled to find out the sex until November 1st but after a blood screen last week revealed elevated AFP levels, we were asked to come in for a level two ultrasound. After a 45 minute ultrasound that checked every inch of the baby from his head to his toes and everything in between, the doctors concluded that Nugget is completely healthy and in fact a male. Of course I needed verification so after some poking and prodding, he finally turned over so we could see him in all of his glory. While I thought my heart was set on a girl, I didn't feel a smidge of disappointment and in fact, I'm absolutely thrilled! As the ultrasound showed, he's an active little guy and we're already talking about what sports he'll play (right now we're leaning towards golf and soccer). The ultrasound tech also mentioned that he has a 'beautiful brain' so I believe he'll be the total package- sorry ladies, he's already spoken for as we're in talks with the Smith's about an arranged marriage to their sweet Charlotte Ives. As for a name, we decided on Friday- Jackson Stephen Tuttle. Jackson is a nod to my dad's dad Jack and Stephen is Marcus's middle name as well as his dad's so it's a nice blend of both families. Hope you like it but if you don't, keep it to yourself! :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Avacado of our Eye
This morning we had the 16 week appointment. I can hardly believe that it's been four months and today nugget is the size of an avocado. We didn't have an ultrasound but the nurse did use a Doppler wand to check the heartbeat and I was able to hear it loud and clear (and fast) at 150 beats a minute which they say is good and strong.
Dr. Littleton was the doctor today and I just love him. He's balding, a bit chubby and wears little round glasses. He talked about his grandchildren and answered all of my questions with patience. I laughed out loud when he said he was going to examine by belly to check the size and verify that there was just one baby inside. I told him if they were to discover today, after four months and two ultrasounds that I was having twins, I might lose a little bit of faith in the practice and he laughed. The first trimester screening came back normal which is a huge relief and they drew more blood for the second trimester screen which we'll hear about at the next appointment.
Speaking of the next appointment, I scheduled it for November 1st. Not only will we be finding out the sex of Tiny Tuttle, but we'll be finding out on Marcus's birthday! Two great reasons to celebrate! I am so happy that this appointment is only four weeks away although I just realized I have two papers and a group project due before then so I'll have plenty to keep me distracted.
And speaking of group projects and homework, I am still plugging away at my fourth grad school course. It's hard to motivate on Saturday's to read and write papers but I love the material and am proud of myself for sticking with it through the morning sickness and the loss of energy. At least this weekend I was able to sit out on the patio and enjoy the gorgeous weather while reading the required text.
Tiny may be a toddler by the time I walk across the stage and graduate with my masters but it will happen one way or the other!
Dr. Littleton was the doctor today and I just love him. He's balding, a bit chubby and wears little round glasses. He talked about his grandchildren and answered all of my questions with patience. I laughed out loud when he said he was going to examine by belly to check the size and verify that there was just one baby inside. I told him if they were to discover today, after four months and two ultrasounds that I was having twins, I might lose a little bit of faith in the practice and he laughed. The first trimester screening came back normal which is a huge relief and they drew more blood for the second trimester screen which we'll hear about at the next appointment.
Speaking of the next appointment, I scheduled it for November 1st. Not only will we be finding out the sex of Tiny Tuttle, but we'll be finding out on Marcus's birthday! Two great reasons to celebrate! I am so happy that this appointment is only four weeks away although I just realized I have two papers and a group project due before then so I'll have plenty to keep me distracted.
And speaking of group projects and homework, I am still plugging away at my fourth grad school course. It's hard to motivate on Saturday's to read and write papers but I love the material and am proud of myself for sticking with it through the morning sickness and the loss of energy. At least this weekend I was able to sit out on the patio and enjoy the gorgeous weather while reading the required text.
Tiny may be a toddler by the time I walk across the stage and graduate with my masters but it will happen one way or the other!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Our Little Lime
Hard to believe but we're through the first trimester! Baby Tuttle is now the size of a lime and my tummy is rapidly expanding! After weeks of nausea and fatigue, I'm starting to have more good days than bad days and my energy is slowly coming back. I never knew that the first few months would be so rough but when we saw Baby Tuttle on the screen at our 12 week appointment I knew it was all worth it. The doctors say everything looks good and s/he was very active. Every time the ultrasound technician pushed on my belly the legs went flying and it seemed like s/he knew we were watching (I think we've got quite the drama queen on our hands).
As for boy or girl, we're not sure. Marcus and I were both leaning towards girl at the beginning but now we're not so sure and there are days I don't think I can make it to November to find out. Either way, this baby is loved beyond belief and we can't wait to meet him or her.
On a personal note, it's amazing how much has changed. Last Saturday I actually went for a decent run which was very exciting although it's definitely harder than it used to be. I knew pregnancy would change a lot of things but I didn't realize I would get winded walking up a small flight of steps! I monitor my heart rate at the gym and it's amazing how 20 minutes on the elliptical can push me to the 'peak high' zone if I'm not careful.
Other random changes- I am now very chatty in the morning which is totally out of character. I LOVE cereal and can't wait to eat it as soon as I wake up. I HATE chicken and Peppermint Patties which is probably the most drastic change given both were major staples in my diet until recently, and I have a strange affinity for oldies music. As I discover more I'll add them to the list.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Presents already?!
This little nugget is going to be one spoiled child I know, but sweet Ginger stopped by last night to spoil me for a bit. She brought a pregnancy survival kit with lots of goodies including crackers, ginger ale, lotion for my tummy, a BeBand, Peppermint Patties (yay!), a sleeping mask, and tons of other things to keep me feeling my best.
It's so nice to have my oldest and best friend in on the secret and to see her so excited about little Tuttle 2.0. It's crazy to think how many milestones we've experienced together- high school, college, moving away, coming home, getting married and now a baby! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us...
Friday, July 23, 2010
We're pregnant! It's been quite a week. I took a test around 2:00pm on Monday and then quickly ran out to buy a non-generic version (yes I am a label snob when it comes to pregnancy tests as well). Dr. Naddler confirmed we were pregnant on Tuesday (somewhere around six weeks) and we have our first ultrasound scheduled for August 4th at 3:00pm.
It's amazing how quickly the body starts changing. I'm achy, gassy and way tired but so far not too nauseous. I could sleep constantly but I'm determined to continue my a.m. workout routine considering my pants are already tight in the waist and my boobs have grown almost another cup size.
Currently I'm mostly craving good things like fruit, cottage cheese, carrots and hummus (shocking I know) and chicken but I also can't get enough Sour Patch Kids. Having given up wine for the next eight months I've struck up a love affair with Clausthaler and O' Doul's.
More to come!
It's amazing how quickly the body starts changing. I'm achy, gassy and way tired but so far not too nauseous. I could sleep constantly but I'm determined to continue my a.m. workout routine considering my pants are already tight in the waist and my boobs have grown almost another cup size.
Currently I'm mostly craving good things like fruit, cottage cheese, carrots and hummus (shocking I know) and chicken but I also can't get enough Sour Patch Kids. Having given up wine for the next eight months I've struck up a love affair with Clausthaler and O' Doul's.
More to come!
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